I then scanned my drawing in, opened it in illustrator and drew over it using the pen and brush tools. I used a rough brush stroke for this to get my desired affect. I turned this into a symbol. By this time I had found the typeface I wanted to use for the product name, so I added this in too...

I then started to use colour in the pin up drawing.. For this I had to go into my symbol and add the colour there, doing it this way I can use my symbol exactly the same somewhere else on the box. I used the pen tool to go round areas I wanted to fill with colour, I made sure I was drawing the lines directly onto the brush stroke outlines and then filled with desired colour and 'moved to back' so I couldn't see the sharp edges...

For the left and right sides of my box I wanted to keep it simple. So one side I put the product name and the other the brand name, I also carried the gradient background around all 4 sides and then used a block colour for top and bottom. On the back I have included the product name logo again along with a description of the product, some information on other 'Jessie-Rose' products which I created another logo for and a promotion of collecting packaging for a free lipstick, which I created another logo for! I had a bit of trouble with all the information on the back.. Originally I had the ingredients on the back also, but I decided to move this to the bottom of the box so I could add some information above the pin up line of girls...

I really wanted to use the pin up girl on the back of the box as well, but thought it looked to boring just on its own again, so I decided to repeat them, overlapping along the box, I really like the effect! and can now have the girls holding a word up on there newspapers... Originally I put the word 'flawless' on the papers and left it but I came to the conclusion that this didn't really make sense... Is 'seamless' flawless, are 'Jessie-Rose' products flawless? This is when I moved the ingredients to the bottom and put a little line above 'flawless' Jessie-Rose products leave you looking....
I'm really pleased with the effect and the ingredients are now nice and hidden on the bottom!

I then started on my bar code, I made this by drawing a simple rectangle which I filled with white, I then drew simple lines which I made different thickness, I cut off the bottom of most lines and added numbers in using the font Helvetica. As I was drawing my bar code I was checking an image of a bar code I got off the internet so I could get it as similar as possible....

I then needed to turn my box into 3d, I did this by using extrude and bevel and uploading my sides as symbols. I now have 3 sides of my box looking 3d.... THIS TOOK SIX HOURS! But eventually it worked and looks good apart from some faint grey lines on the joins.
I am really pleased with my final design, I love the fonts I have used and the colours seem to work really well together. Before this project I had never used Illustrator before...I have learned so much and am proud to have my final design and say I have done it having never used the program before!
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