- Thames Clippers
- The Open University
Keywords that stick out to me from the brief and the brand -
- Inspire
- London
- Tourists
- London Professionals
- River
- Water
- Easy
- Quick
- Guaranteed a seat
- Comfort
- Reliable
- Fun
- Views
- WiFi
I would want to make a poster for this brief and a fold out map that can picked up on the boats and around London and the tube. Some keywords for starting points with this:
- Map
- Hand drawn
- Poster
- Interactive
- Pretty
- Clean
- 'Why not?'
- 'Fancy a change?'
- 'Fed up of not getting a seat?'
- 'Choose the views'
- 'Choose London'
- 'Choose the city'
- Watercolours
- Hand painted
- Sketchy
- 'It seems stupid not too'
- Landmarks
- Famous London Spots
- Pop up map?!
- Short film
- Stop Motion

Keywords that stick out to me from the brief and the brand -
- 16-18 year olds
- Young
- Education
- Degree
- Part time
- Easy
- Own time
- Step by step
- Largest higher education Institution
- Work whilst studying
- Persuade
- Flexible
- Cheaper
My first thought for targeting young people is to make a short film, which could be a viral or tv advert. This film can then help to put together posters, billboards and flyers. Some keywords for starting points with this:
- Stop motion
- Funny
- Informative
- Gritty
- Story
- Fast
- Hip Hop editing
- Life story
- Cheap with regular uni fees rising
- Posters
- Facebook banners
- App

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