I picked my clips that I thought would work and cut them down roughly first in Quicktime. I then had to convert my movs to pro res in Compressor. I had a problem with this as when I went to submit them in Compressor the button was greyed out and wouldn't let me, I think I had a dodgy copy or something. I had to borrow a friends laptop saying it'll only take 10 minutes, it ended up taking over 4 hours... Woops.
I converted them to Apple Pro Res 720, this means I can now edit freely using Final Cut Pro.
I uploaded all the clips I was thinking of putting in my film to Final Cut Pro (About 50ish)

I then started playing around with the clips in the timeline, putting them in the order I wanted. I only imported the clips for the hectic part of the film, the river footage will be done later. It took a really long time getting the clips in order, I had to think about time aswell, even though I will obviously be cutting down a lot, there was a large number of clips!
When I thought I had the clips in the right order I slowly started cutting down my clips, this took hours!

I can always swap them around a bit if need be after anyway...

Rendering the film took ages, I had to do this everytime I wanted to view my work in process, I often just used the render selection function...

I used a microphone to record sounds that I wanted to use in my films such as car horns, footsteps etc

I finally finished the main part of the film. I wanted to include various landmarks and thought it would be better suited to add various endings rather than one long one, it would keep it short and sweet with a clear and effective ending.
I chose to have endings that feature:
1. The London Eye
2. The Tate Modern
3. Tower Bridge
I filmed the river on a beautiful sunny day so these work really well. I removed the sound from the moment walking on the boat to the very end, this works well with the chaos and sound of the first half of them film.
I added the phrase 'What did you see on your way in?' to the ending of each film, I used Gill Sans as I think this is always an elegant choice, its clear and precise, it also always reminds me of railway posters which I thought was a good way to go.

I then wanted to add the Thames Clippers logo, I had trouble with this, I wanted to add the one with the transparent background but after saving in it various formats such as .png and .gif's it just wouldn't work. Eventually saving it just as a .psd worked fine!

I did the same to all of the endings, with exactly the same timing.
Below are my finished films:
Ending 1:
Ending 2:
Ending 3:
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