I bought some very bright orange fabric which can be hung behind the people, I was originally going to shoot on plain white backgrounds but decided I would get white highlights on faces etc which would cause a problem...
The first shoot I did was with 3 guys sitting on a sofa...
I lit the backdrop with lamps...
I then got the guys to keep swapping hats whilst I was taking photographs...
The shoot took quite a long time, it actually took longer setting it all up than actually taking the photos, I made sure everything was ready to for when I started so the boys didn't move around a lot.
I had the same appraoch with my other 2 shoots.... I did one with Lolly and another with Jay.
I wanted to have a variety of people shown in the films. I am so glad I have finished the filming of the people for stop motions! I am sick of carrying round a shopping trolley full of fake flowers, birds, hats and sunglasses!
I then had to start on deleting all the orange backgrounds in the photographs. I did this using colour range in photoshop and using actions....
I did each set separately until I had transparent backgrounds.
I started with the normal photo...

I then ran a batch on the folder full of the images with orange backgrounds so I didn't have to repeat the process hundreds of times!

This was probably the most time consuming bit of work I have ever done! Especially for 3 separate films! It took such a long time, even though colour range tool is good, I had to run so many actions to make it work with so many bright coloured flowers in shot too. EVENTUALLY i ended up with all shots of all sets with transparent backgrounds!

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