My first ideas for which brand I would like to use...
Sailor Jerry's rum: Tattoos, pin ups, 1950s, fun, young people, music, the navy, sailors, boats, parties, bands, clothing and merchandise, dice, sparrows, American, nautical, knives, guns, snakes and 'bottles of booze' are words that come to mind whilst thinking about the Sailor Jerry brand.

Cherry B: A cherry red wine, not a very well known brand, not much advertising, could be a good one to use, not much to compare it too. Could be a new, kitsch brand.

Smirnoff: Vodka, clean, clear, Russain, Red, parties, ice, mixers, bubbles, lime, the 'sea' advert, diamonds.

Jack Daniels: Whisky, American, Tennesee, Male, Black, Blues, Cool, Music, bands, barrels.

Makers Mark: Whisky, Kentucky, up-market, Red wax, male, warm, winter, fireplaces, icecubes.

Kahlua: Coffee, chocolate, black russain, white russain, liquor, cocktail bar, Mexican, sweet, great packaging, wax, yellow, brown, red, different flavours, deserts, milk.

Babycham: Kitsch, tacky, glitter, fizzy, bubble, wine, champagne, cava, gold, blue, deer, bambi, christmas, bright, cheap, fun, parties.

Pimms: Summer, fruit, mint, cucumber, red and white, ice, cocktails, straws, jugs, outside, posh. OR WINTER PIMMS: Hot, winter, snow, fruit, mint, skiing, fireplaces, christmas.

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