Textures, painting, cutting and sticking!
For my background I want a dark blue paint, I thought it would look good painted on fabric for a textured finish, I painted some fabric and scanned it in...
When the paint had dried it looked a little to dark so I made a brighter blue rectangle on top and changed the opacity in Illustrator...
I really want my whole advert to pretty much be 'handmade' so I made a bottle by painting with thick oil paints and cutting out a bottle shape, for the label I added some scrunched brown paper and added the text in Illustrator, I had to warp the text to arc...
I made the cork by using the brown paper again and cut out the cork shape in Photoshop...
All of my paintings and textures are not perfect looking, I want it to be like this for the feel of the piece. For the snowflakes originally I drew in Illustrator...

I made the snowflake and ice blue colour, they would've been all different cold colours in the animation. After showing my idea to my tutors we decided it would be more appropriate to make paper snowflakes and scan them in instead. I made 3 different versions, I will be using all 3 in my animation... 
I had to cut out the backgrounds in Photoshop...

For my gist wrapping I am using real Christmas wrapping paper. I am going to use stop motion for the unwrapping of my bottle, I did this by taking a series of photographs of the wrapping paper, each time ripping a little more until it was all gathered at the bottom... 
I then imported all the photos in Photoshop, copied them into single separate layers and had to cut round them, leaving the background transparent...
There were 27 separate layers/images, so this took rather a long time!
This is what all the cut up layers look like on top of each other! I quite like it! Not that you will see it like that in the animation, but I do love torn paper! 
When the liquid comes bursting out of the Babycham bottle I thought it would look good as lots of little bubbles, these won't be handmade but made in Illustrator, I made them using shapes and blend modes...

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